Saturday, December 26, 2009

hatiku sayu...sayu hatiku...
Ya Allah, permudahkanla urusanku & ttpkanlah hatiku...
Aku amt memerlukan-MU...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Kebelakangn ni dok layan MV ni...

1.Super Junior M-Super Girl Korean Version

2. 2NE1-I Don't Care

3. Baek Ji Young (feat. Taekyeon of 2PM) - My Ear's Candy

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sume org membicarakan abou how good & how bad result diorg...
Me?....I did my best & I believe I got wat I deserved...Alhamdulillah:)
I'm proud to be me, in spite of how emotional last semester for me but I still can survive... Maybe dh bese stadi in tensen...Tp harap2 pas2ni dugaan tidaklah setrok sem yg lepas...:)

Sem baru dh nk start...Harapan menggunung tercipta...
dptkah aku mencapai cita2 aku?
We'll see:)

Friday, November 27, 2009

2-Adab2 bersahabat

Seorang sahabat perlu menjaga adab2 terhadap sahabatnya,iaitu dengan dia:

1-Mengutamakan sahabat degn harta bendanya. Jikalau dia tidak mampu berbuat demikian ,maka sekurang-kurangnya hendaklah dia memberikan kepada sahabatnya apa2 yng lebih dari hajat dirinya.

2-Menolong sahabat dengan cara bersegera sebelum sahabatnya meminta tolong.

3-Menyembunyikan rahsia sahabatnya.

4-Menutup keaiban sahabatnya.

5-Berdiam daripada menyampaikan celaan orang lain terhadap sahabatnya.

6-Menyampaikan segala pujian daripada orang lain kepada sahabatnya.

7-Mendengar dengan baik akan perkataan sahabatnya ketika dia bercakap.

8-Meninggalkan perbalahan dgn sahabatnya.

9-Memanggil sahabatnya dgn nama yng sangat disukainya.

10-Memuji sahabatnya dgn apa yng diketahui daprd kebaikannya.

11-Berterima kasih pada sahabatnya atas sebarang kebaikannya.

12-Menegah orang lain yng ingain mengumpat sahabatnya seperti dia membela dirinya sendiri.

13-Menggunakan bahasa yng lemah lembut dan halus apabila dia ingin menasihati sahabatnya.

14-Memaafkan segala kesilapan dan kesalahan sahabatnya,maka janganlah dia mencelanya.

15-Mendoakan sahabatnya ketika dia duduk bersendirian,ketika sahabatnya itu masih hidup atau pun setelah dia meninggal dunia.

16-Mengekalkan kecintaan terhadap keluarga sahabatnya selepas daripada kematiannya.

17-Jangan suka memberatkan sahabatnya dgn bebanan dan tanggungjawab, bahkan hendaklah dia meringankannya supaya sahabatnya besenang hati.

18-Menyatakan rasa kesukaan dgn segala yng menyukakan hati sahabatnya dan juga menyatakan rasa kesusahan pada segala yng menyusahkan hati sahabatnya.

19-Menyamakan hakikat kecintaan yng wujud di dalam hati dgn apa yng nmpk di luar,maka dgn itu barulah kecintaan itu dianggap benar.

20-Memulakan memberi salam ketika dia menemui sahabatnya.

21-Meluaskan tempat duduknya ntuk sahabatnya ketika di majlis dan hendaklah dia berpindah dari tempat duduknya itu ke tempat yng lain jika dia tak dapat berbuat demikian.

22-Hendaklah dia bangun menghantakan sahabatnya itu (sehingga samapai ke pintu rumahnya) ketika sahabatnya itu keluar dari rumahnya.

23-Hendaklah dia berdiam diri ketika sahabatnya bercakap2 sehinggga dia selesai dari percakapannya an janganlah dia suka mencelah ketika sahabatnya sedang bercakap-cakap.

Ringkasnya,hendaklah seorang sahabat itu bermuamalah – atau bergaul dgn sahabatnya dgn cara yng dia sukai jika orng lain bermuamalah dgnnya. Maka,jika sesiapa yng tidak mencintai sahabatnya akan sesuatu yng ia cintai bagi dirinya sendiri,maka persahabatan itu masih tidak ikhlas dan mempunyai anasir2 munafik dan persahabatan itu akan membawa kepada kebinasaan di dunia dan di akhirat. Inilah adab2 yng mesti dijaga pada hak saudaramu yng bergelar sahabat.

***Dipetik dr yng diquote dipetik dari buku Bidayatul Hidayah.


Jujurnya, aku slalu memikirkan betapa driku sgt xberguna & lemah..
Manusia yg sgt pathetic..
Slalu aku jatuh sebelum smpt aku bangun menghayun langkahku kerna
ceteknya pemikiran aku itu...
Terkdg aku terfikir, mungkin, mungkin ada di kalangan manusia yg
mengagumi aku, yg masih hormat padaku, yg menyanjungku & xmau
melihat aku jatuh tanpa lgsg mencuba yg terbaik.
Aku, jujurnya sgt suka menolong org, sgt suka memujuk org dgn kata2 bijaksanaku.
Tetapi...aku xbisa memujuk driku dgn kata2ku sndr..
Aku rasa lemah, amat lemah... buntu...

Ada...masih ada manusia yg menghormatiku, yg menyayangiku...Aku sgt bersyukur memiliki mereka walau sesetghnya hanye kukenal nama...
Mereka sanjung kesabaranku,
Mereka hormat keputusanku,
Mereka dgr rintihanku,
Mereka tekun mengikuti nasihatku...
Mungkinkah aku juga memberi inspirasi kpd mereka semua?
Itu aku tdk pasti...
Mgkin ya & mgkin tdk...

Aku mahu berjanji akan trus berusaha...
ranjau & duri pasti ada
namun, harus ku tabah menempuhi...tabahla...
Sesgguhnya Allah bersama org2 yg sabar...:)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dalam bersahabat,ada dua pokok utama yng perlu diperhatikan:

1- Cara memilih sahabat.
2- Cara menunaikan hak2 persahabatan (adab2 bersahabat)

1-Cara memilih sahabat

Dalam bersahabat,hendaklah diperhatikan syarat2 bersahabat. Maka jangan kau bersahabat kecuali dgn orang yng layak untuk dijadikan sahabat.

Rasulullah SAW bersabda:

Ertinya: Seseorang itu mengikut agama (cara hidup) sahabatnya. Oleh kerana itu, hendaklah seseorang kamu melihat terlebih dahulu siapakah yng patut dijadikan sahabat,
(Hadis Riwayat Abu Daud dan Tarmizi dan Baihaqi)

Maka, apabila kau mahu mencari sahabat yng ingin dijadikanmu sebagai pembantu dalam menuntut ilmu dan di dalam urusan agamamu dan duniamu,hendaklah dipastikan padanya 5 syarat:

1-Orang yng berakal:

Tidak ada kebaikan bersahabat dgn orng yng bodoh,kerana ianya akan membawa kepada pemusuhan dan menyakitkan hati. Paling baik pun,yang akan kau dapati daripadanya hanyalah kau terselamt dari mudaratnya,sedangkan dia berusaha membawa manfaat kepadamu. Ianya kerana musuh yng berakal itu lebih baik daripada sahabat yng bodoh. Di dalam hal ini, Saidina Ali bin Abi Talib R.A pernah berkata:

*Dan jangan kau bersahabat dgn orng yng bodoh. Jauhi akan dia.
*Berapa banyak orang yang jahil yng telah membinasakan orang alim ketika dia bersahabat dengannya.
*Seseorang itu akan dinilai mengikut tingkatan sahabatnya, ketika dia berjalan dengannya.
*Kerana bagi segala sesuatu ada ukuran dan keserupaannya.
*Maka begitulah halnya hati yng menyerupai hati yang lain. Ia akan menunjukkan hubungan ketika adanya pertemuan (persahabatan).

2-Orang yang baik akhlaknya:

Janganlah kau bersahabat dengan orang yang jahat perangainya, iaitu orang yng tidak dapat mengawal dirinya ketika marah dan ketika dia dirangsang oleh nafsu syahwatnya. Dan Saidina ‘Alqamah telah menghimpunkan segala akhlak yng baik dalm wasiatnya kepada anaknya ketika beliau hendak meninggal dunia, ‘Alqamah berkata:

Wahai anakku ! Apabila kau mahu bersahabat dengan seseorang,maka jalinkanlah persahabatanmu dgn orang yang:

1-Apabila kau berkhidmat dgnnya, dia akan memeliharamu.

2-Apabila kau bersahabat dgnnya, akan bertambah nilai dirimu.

3-Apabila kau ditimpa kesusahan,dia akan turut sama menanggung kesusahanmu.

4-Apabila kau menolongnya,nescaya dia akan membalas jasamu.

5-Apabila dia melihat kebaikanmu,nescaya dia akan mengambil kira akannya (nilai kebaikan tersebut).

6-Apabila dia melihat kejahatan pada dirimu,nescaya akan ditutupkannya olehnya.

7-Apabila engkau berkata,nescaya dia akan membenarkan perkataanmu.

8-Apabila engkau mengusahakan sesuatu perkara,nescaya dia akan menolongmu.

9-Apabila engkau berselisih dgnnya akan sesuatu,nescaya dia akan melebihkanmu.

Dan berkata Saidina Ali bin Abi Talib R.A:

Ertinya: Saudaramu yng sebenarnya adalah orang yng selalu menolongmu (di waktu senang dan susah) dan dia sanggup berkorban ntuk memberi manfaat kepadamu, dan dia sanggup memecahkan (menyelerakkan) segala urusannya untuk menolongmu dalam menghadapi bala dan ujian.

3-Orang yng soleh:

Jangan kau bersahabat dengan orng yng fasik yng selalu mengerjakan dosa besar,kerana orng yng takut akan Allah itu tidak kekal dalm membuat dosa besar dan orng yng tidak takut akan Allah itu tidak dapat dipercayai sepenuhnya. Bahkan pendirian tidak tetap,selalu berubah2 mengikut keadaan dan tekanan.

Allah berfirman kepada Rasulullah SAW:

Maksudnya: “Dan janganlah kau patuh akan orang yang telah Kami lupakan akan hatinya daripada mengingati Kami dan terus sahaja mengikut hawa nafsunya.”
(Surah Al-Kahfi, ayat 28)

Maka jauhi daripada bersahabat dgn orng yng fasik kerana berterusan melihat perkara2 yng fasik dan maksiat itu akan menghilangkan kebencianmu terhadap maksiat tersebut lalu akhirnya kau merasa ringan memandang maksiat. Cuba kau lihat.. Orng ramai menganggap mudah dosa ghibah (mengumpat) kerana mereka sudah biasa melakukan maksiat tersebut tapi jika mereka melihat seorang alim memakai cincin emas dan kain sutera nescaya mereka amat mengingkarinya. Padahal dosa ghibah itu jauh lebih besar daripada memakai cincin emas atau pakaian sutera.

4-Jangan bersahabat dgn orang yng tamak dunia:

Bersahabat dengan orang sebegini umpama racun yng dapat membunuh, kerana sudah menjadi tabiat seseorang itu cepat sekali meniru dan mengikut tabiat orang lain dan perangai yng baik cepat sekali berubah menjdai jahat, sedangkan kita tidak menyedarinya. Maka suka bersekedudukan dgn orang yng tamak pada dunia akan menambah tamakmu terhadap dunia. Dan sebaliknya jika suka bersekedudukan dgn orang yang zuhud akan menambah zuhudmu pada dunia.

5-Orang yng benar:

Jangan bersahabat dgn pendusta. Barangkali dia akan menipu kaumkerana dia laksana
Fatamorgana yng seakan-akan mendekatkan yng jauh atau menjauhkan yang dekat.

Inilah 5 syarat yng perlu dicari dalm pemilihan sahabat. Barangkali susah ntuk mendapatkan seseorang yng memiliki kesemua sifat2 ini walaupun pada orng mengaji di surau2 atau duduk beribadat di dalm masjid.

Oleh itu,tiada jalan bagimu kecuali kau memilih satu di antara dua jalan ini:

Pertama: Ber’uzlah iaitu mengasingkan diri drpd orang ramai, kerana di situlah terletaknya keselamtanmu.

Kedua: Bergaul dgn orng ramai mengikut kedudukan mereka masing2 yng berdasarkan kepada 3 pembahagian:

1-Saudaramu untuk akhiratmu, maka janganlah kau pehatikan padanya kecuali hal2 agama.

2-Saudaramu ntuk duniamu, maka janganlah kau perhatikan padanya kecuali hanya akhlak yngbaik.

3-Saudaramu untuk kejinakan hatimu, maka jngn kau perhatikan padanya kecuali hanya keselamatanmu dari kejahatannya, fitnahnya dan keburukannya.

Di dalam perumpamaan lain,manusia itu terbahagi kepada 3:

1-Orang yng seumpama makanan asas yng tidak boleh tidak daripadanya.

2-Orng yng seumpama ubat yng diperlukan pada masa2 tertentu sahaja bukan setiap masa.

3-Orng yng seumpama penyakit yng perlu dihindari daripadanya,namun terkadang seorang hamba itu dibalakan dengannya walaupun penyakit itu tidak disenanginya dan tiada manfaatnya. Maka perlulah seseorang itu mengambil langkah2 bijak supaya dia dapat selamat daripadanya. Namun,di dalam penyakit itu ada satu rahsia besar seandainya kau mampu menghadapinya,iaitu apabila kau cuba memperhatikan keadaannya dan kesannya yng buruk, lalu setelah itu kau pun menjauhkan diri daripadanya..

***dipetik dr

Sunday, November 8, 2009

U...bring the light to me...
U...change my life...
U...make me realize...
U...r my strength & my weakness...
U...r da one for me...

But i know..
We can't go on like dis..
I can feel dat u're running away...
I can feel dat we're not looking at the same thing anymore..
I can feel dat I'm losing u...

After so many years,
My heart was hurting so much...
N ur heart too was so much broken..
But still, we remained...

I know dat dis was gonna happen..
Again and again and again..
Dunno when it will stop...
I think it's time for me to let go...
Though it's hard but i ought to give in...

No! I can't let u go...
Pliz God, i can't...
Letting u go is like throwing my heart into the waste disposer machine..
U are my heart...
I couldn't & wouldn't let u go...
Coz without u I'm lifeless...

Monday, September 14, 2009

Inferiority Complex...Are u experincing dis?

Inferiority complex is a persistent sense of inadequacy or a tendency to self-diminishment, sometimes resulting in excessive aggressiveness through overcompensation. Such feelings can arise from an imagined or actual inferiority in the afflicted person.
For example: “I’m not like them..”, “I am embarrassed of myself..”

The common characteristics are:

-a deep rooted disbelief in yourself, despite any skills or successes

-a sense of helplessness and fear

-expressing yourself in destructive ways-discouraging yourself from certain things that need to be done

-disliking going into the company of others, meetings or dinner parties etc.

-fear when meeting a stranger

-shrinking from attempting the difficult

-steer away from anything that may be criticized

This might be due to 4 major factors:

1-Parental attitudes and upbringing - disapproving negative remarks and evaluations of behavior, emphasizing mistakes and shortcomings determine the attitude of the child before the age of six.

2-Physical defects - such as disproportional facial and body features, weight, height, strength, speech defects and defective vision cause inferiority complexes.

3-Mental limitations - brings feelings of inferiority when unfavorable comparisons are made with the superior achievements of others, and when satisfactory performance is expected.

4-Social disadvantages and discriminations - family, race, sex, sexual orientation, economic status, religion, or color.

Some tips to overcome:

*Positive thinking-everyone has their own strength and weaknesses
*Groom yourself
*Improve your dressing sense-wear clothes that flatter your body structure
*Place a price on yourself, on your knowledge, ability, dignity and self-respect
*If people with names or titles make you feel small, self-conscious and insignificant avoid close contact with them. But, associate with those who r from the same standard with u or easy to say, those who make u comfortable.
*Sell yourself on the fact that you are as good, as capable, as important and even better in some respects, as those with whom you usually associate.
*If you have been too willing to take "second best"; if you are forever apologizing for living or for taking up room, how can you expect others to value you as a person? You have definite capabilities which you and you alone can develop and capitalize upon.
*If you feel you are not liked or wanted or welcomed when you come in company with certain people, it may be due to the fact that you expect too much. So, dun expect too much from others... What can u expect? U can't satisfy everyone in this world rite?
*For Muslims, remember..Allah does not create something useless.
Find yourself and be yourself,there is no one else on earth like you.
you cannot be like others, but you can be better than them..Insyaallah...:)

Your self-concept is often shaped by those around you and affects how you view yourself in relation to other people. If you feel inferior to others, use these methods to change your self-concept. Improve your feeling of self-worth. Gain confidence in interacting with others. Conquer your feeling of inferiority.

"Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin as self-neglecting."
--Shakespeare, King Henry V


Sebelum ni kuhanya mendgr saje bhw "penantian itu satu penyeksaan".. Tp hari makin hari kurasakan driku yg terseksa oleh penantian yg belum tentu... Tah kenapa kurasakan hari itu xkan hadir utkku lg... Bahagia tlh jauh meninggalkanku...
Setlh hampir setgh dekat ku menunggu n menunggu namun bercambahnye tidak..
Kutggu dgn penuh sabar dan keyakinan hingga saban hari ku dibebani seksa...
Mungkin aku terlalu mengharap...Salahku jua terlalu percaya, silapku jua terlalu ditggu..Mmg slhku...

Skrg terimalah padahnye...Aku bagaikan zombi...bagaikan org khayal...high dlm dunia sndri... Sungguh, penungguan itu seksa bangat.. Ku tdk sanggup lg.. dimain, diherdik, dicaci, diberi kata2 manis yg jelas kosong dan lohong... Aku adalah driku... Jikaku berubah, ia adalah utk semua... Kata2 itu sgt menusuk kalbuku..
Kata2 itu sgt melukakan... Tlg...Tlg jgn katakannye...

Kutahu driku serba kekurangan...Biarlah aku pergi membawa driku yg terluka...
Berduka di sebalik wajah yg tdk matang ini... mungkin driku danggap tdk matang kerana itu tp slhkah aku memberi pendapatku? Slhkah aku berkata2? Slhkah aku menegur silapmu? Apakah egomu xmembenarkan aku membetulkan kamu?

Ini mmg tdk adil...Aku didiskriminasi kerna umurku...Kenapa? Mengapa?
Kuikut kata mu slame ini... Mengapa ble aku mula bgn kau mahu menjatuhkan aku?
Sungguh...hatiku xmampu menangkis kata2 itu... yg amat menusuk sanubariku...
Skrg pergila... Pergilah.... Penantian bakal berakhir...
Slmt tggal....huhu

Monday, September 7, 2009


Alhamdulillah..3 paper midterm dh selesai,lg 3 bakal menjelang tbe...
Yg dh lepas hrp dpt kujadikan pengajaran...
Bia rajin sket, fokus sket, doa ckp2,tdo pn berpada2...

Bulan2 pose ni aku slalu membeli makanan di kafe n bazar di sini..
Kerap kali peristiwa yg membuatku terpana berlaku di dpn mata...

Peristiwa 1: di masjid, ketika mengambil makanan...
waktu tu student2 uia kuantan djemput ke masjid tersebut utk berbuka puasa.
Namun, tyme amik makanan tu xsangka aku dikelilingi oleh org2 gelojoh dan xbertimbang rase...
gelojoh kerana perlakuan mereka bagaikan org xbertamadun,berebut sane sini, tolak sane tolak sini,tepis sane sini walhal mereka2 itu sebenarnye pelajar UIAM...huhu...
Malu aku melihatnye...malu gak kt pkck2 yg tgk tu... malu... Manela ltk santun kte sebagai ank melayu...lbh2 lg adab kte sebagai org islam..hhuhu...
xckp lg dgn tu, makanan yg disediakan xckp plak utk sume sisters yg dtg..
Mane taknye..ble dlihat pggan sorg2 bergunung nasi n lauk... patutla...huhu..
Kerana itu, ade sesetgh sis xdpt pon mkn...mereka hanye berbuka dgn kurma n bubur lambuk yg xseberape shj...aku tgk pn sdey... Sdey...begini ke sikap pelajar2
uia yg digembar-gembur islamicnye??? Bertimbang rase pd insan laen adalah satu sifat terpuji dlm islam jg. Bkn hanye menjg aurat, muamalah atau pelajaran... Jgn kerana dpt mkn free kte angkut je sume.. Sepatutnye ble dh dpt mkn free mknlah dgn seadanye, ckp sekadar penawar lapar n dahaga. Tmbhn lg,jgnla merungut psal mkanan tu, dh org bg, mkn jela..jgn byk songeh, merungut sane merungut sini...Kalu pakck2 tu dgr camane? tmbah dose kte adela...huuuuu...

Peristiwa 2: ptg td, ketika beli mkanan di gerai dpn musolla bro...
Ni pon melibatkan bdk uia gak...huhu...
tgh2 syok aku n membe beli mkn n tggu pakcik tu bgkuskan, tbe2 ade sis ni tolak membe aku ke tepi n then ckp"tepi sket, nk amik lauk ni.."aku terkilan ngan perbuatan die kerana mmg jelas kami berada di situ menunggu lauk kami, bleh plak minah ni tolak kwn aku... Kalu ye pn kami menghalang beliau mengambil lauk,xleh ke tggu sekejap sehgga kami selesai ataupn kalu dh nk cpt sgt mintakla kami ke tepi dgn sopan sket, jgn ditolak aje...huhu...

Aku, bknlah insan yg sempurna utk menegur org2 seperti ini. mgkn aku jg pernah melakukannye..Ttp hrpnye kte bisa berubah menjadi lbh & lbh baik lg pd mase akan dtg..Post ini hanyelah sebagai peringatan kpd driku dan juga kamu...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Dh masuk Ramadhan dh. Dh lame sgt xpost bende baru kt blog ni. bkn pe, bz + mls + xde idea...
Berkenaan tajuk kat ats tu, sebenarnye ade ctenye...
Br2 ni aku sembang2 ngn membe2 psal byk mende...
Tbe2 terkeluarla satu cte nih...
Psal ade sorg ni ske bwk mulut n dengki org n gle pangkat...(Xcaye? Pecayelah..) Kami sebenarnye msg2 sudah mengetahui sifat buruknye itu cume kami rahsiekan saje dalam hati ni. Bukan pe, xnk jd cam diela... Skali ade membe ni mmg xthn ngan pe die wat smpai terluah kt kami2... Kami yg mendgr ni terkedu ble perkara y same terjadi kt kami jg terjadi pd drinye.. Cian die...huhu...
Ape yg dilakukannye biala kami2 yg simpan.. Xde faedah pon kami cte kt org laen.. Yg penting sekrg kami sedar yg bkn sume org yg nmpak baik tu baik n bleh dpercayai... Buat yg membaca harapnye bleh ambil pengajaran...
Jgn terlalu pecaye kt org,kdg2 die leh wat sumthng yg sgt xdisangka kte.
Yg nmpak baik pn xsemestinye baek...yg nmpak jht xsemestinye jht...
In addition, kte ni harus jg lua dalam... kalu lua kte nmpak baek jgn kt dlm kte ibadat xjg, mulut xjg, muamalah xjg, dengki sane sini, jd batu api buat ape?? Xde maknenye...Allah Maha Mengetahui... Walaupun tembelang anda tdk pecah smpai ble2 xbermakne anda xdpt dosa...Moga kte sume bertaubat...Bln2 pose ni bykkan ibadat n muhasabah... Slmt Berpuasa!!!:)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

xdtegur slh, ditegur pn slh..
diam slh, berkate2 apetah lg..
kubuat kerjaku slh
kubuat kerja2 umah pn slh..
abis tu nk wat ape lg?
berambus je kot..huhu~~

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hmm...semester baru da bermula mggu lps tp mood utk blaja still xde lg...huhu...
apekah yg perlu kulakukan?..huhuhu..somebody plz help me? Anybody?
Dhla xde mood pastu plak kt lam klas slalu kene dok blkg..huhu..
Pas2 ni kene g awal sejam kot, baru leh dok dpn..haha..
Xkisah pn dok blkg kalu nmpak jelas, dgr n leh concentrate tp mslhnye konsentrasiku sering terganggu dgn percakapan klasmateku yg xreti bahase org nk dgr lecture.. Kalu xnk dgr lecture senyap dhla...
Xslh nk nyembang sket2 time lecture tp biala perlahnkan suare n xkaco org laen. ni x, kte xmo dgr lecture tp wat bising lak..
Di smping wat klasmate yg lain bengkerk n xleh konsentrate juga bleh kurangkan keberkatan ilmu yg disampaikan lecturer tu sndri. Pastu celah mane nk cemerlangnye???
Huhu..Agknye mmg perangai bdk2 zmn ni kot?..huhu...
Hrp2 pasni leh konsentrate lam klas coz ilmu yg dismpaikan lam klas xternilai harganye...Insyaallah akan diusahakan...
Same2la kte mencari keberkatan bersame ilmu yg dpelajari..:)
N hopefully semgt utk blaja rajin2 akan dpt di'regain' blk sem ni..hi3..

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Dh lame sgt x post new thngs kt sini..
Well..nothing spesel pn..
2 3 mggu ni i've been thnking a lot and i think that i've changed.
I've gained many valuable experience n some sweet n sour memories..
Those thngs are very precious to me no matter whether its bad or good thing..
What had happen had changed me so much..
I dun know if anybody would hate me bcoz of those changes but all i knw is that i am nobody else but plz accept me da way i am..:)

.....not in a gud condition today..but gotta be strong coz tomorrow is a big day..:)........

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Da agk lame xpost sumthng new kt blog ni.. Kemalasan melanda n bz ngan family..
Dh xsampai semggu dh nk blk kuantan...huhu..
Harapnye smpat smbut hari lahir kt umah, eventhough xde majlis or hadiah tp kalu leh smbut kt umah mmg satu perkara yg best..:) I wonder taun ni abah nk bg hadiah pe plak...ha3..Ingat lg 2 thn lps die bg aku hadiah durian... Thn lps dpt kek sebijik. Thn ni xksh pn, aku rase aku dh dpt hadiahnye:)... Aku xhrp pape, cume inginkan abah semakin pulih n kesihatan ummi kekal baek..:)

Cuti da nk abis tp still ade bnde yg xwat...
1. Lubang smpah yg digali 2 hari lepas belum dikambus elok2. Sbbnye semlm ujan, arini plak rase lth sket. (alasan je ni..) adik aku yg byk memberi khidmat menggali(thanks to him, smpai merah2 tgn die..huhu) tp aku yg jd kepalanye, so kene siapkan cepat b4 blk kuantan.
2. Alamk, kain nk wat bju raye xbeli lg...!!!huhu... Tula, ummi dh byk kali suh g beli xnk. Pdn muka!!:P ala, sebnrnye agak mls nk beli tu sbb dh janji ngn sumone nk beli sesame. N satu lg coz xtau nk tempah ktne, kt tmpat biase tu xcantik die jahit(tiap kali hanta pn spoil je), tu yg rase mls tu. Ingat nk jht sndri baju raye t tp mesin jahit kt umah ni rosak. Tggulah, nnt beli baru...Yeay!!!:)
3. Ha...abah suh taipkan pe ek utk die semlm? Mesti dh lupe nih..Ish3..najma, najma...huhu..jap yek abah...skrg gak ma wat..hehe...
Iklan utk kedai hardware abahku. Cket je, tp ble dah malas gnila...huhu..

Pe lg ek?...Tu je kot aku rase.. Esok luse nk kene g shopping brg2 nk bwk g kuantan. Nk ajak sape tah..haha..sapela yg jd mgsa aku nnt..ha3...
Oklah, have a nice day everyone...=)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Retrieved from
Sunday June 21, 2009
How to succEEd in life
Knowing how to develop your emotional intelligence can help you succeed in the workplace.

EVERYONE wants to be successful in life. Success can be attained by some but for many others it is only an elusive dream.

It was widely held that one’s success in life is measured by one’s Intelligence Quotient or IQ. But in recent times, it has been proven that Emotional Intelligence (EI) is also an important determinant.

Dr Yong talked to participants of a psychology seminar:

"EI is often defined as comprising two components: intrapersonal skills (or self awareness) and interpersonal skills (the ability to relate well with others).

Studies have shown that people with high EI are often the most successful in their personal lives as well as in their careers.

Thus, knowing how to develop your EI to an optimum can help you succeed in the workplace. However, merely being knowledgeable about EI does not enable an individual to be emotionally intelligent.

I have discovered that people are not able to be emotionally intelligent because they are not motivated. At the core of the motivation problem is our heart or, more specifically, our spiritual heart.

In my research over the last decade, I have found that in order to be consistently emotionally intelligent, an individual needs to develop Emotional Excellence (EE), which is the heart motivation. Leaders who are emotionally excellent will be able to help their organisation to connect with its most important asset — people. When this special connection exists, the leaders will be able to lead others with their hearts.

Employees working under these leaders are inspired to give their best, to work from their hearts, and to channel their creative energies to produce an emotionally intelligent organisation.

Using these ideas as pioneering director of the University of Malaya Centre for Continuing Education from 1998 to 2002, the centre became self-financing and profitable within a very short period.

Understanding our personality is crucial to knowing our strengths and weaknesses and developing our emotional excellence.

Personality refers to the stable and unique patterns of behaviour that determine a person’s adaptation to the environment.

Researchers have generally employed four basic approaches to obtain a better insight into the construction of personality. These approaches are the personality structure, psychoanalytic theory, transactional analysis and developmental theories.

There have been numerous attempts throughout the centuries to describe personality. One of the earliest was documented by the Greek physician Hippocrates who listed the four temperaments as phlegmatic, melancholic, sanguine, and choleric.

In the last decade, however, there was a consensus among personality researches that there are actually five main factors (called Big Five) of personality descriptions."

> Dr Leonard Yong is an educational psychologist. He consults internationally and is now based in Dubai ( He will address the Malaysia Festival of the Mind, jointly organised by Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia Mental Literacy Movement and Kolej Tunku Abdul Rahman, to be held July 10-12 at Utar’s Perak campus in Kampar. Admission is free. For enquiries call 03-76250328 or e-mail

In psychology, the "Big Five" personality traits are five broad factors or dimensions of personality developed through lexical analysis. The traits are also referred to as the "Five Factor Model" (FFM).The five factors are Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. For more info bout this click here....

Hmmmm...Quite an interesting article. These days lots of my frens tell me dat i'm "smart" and talented. But i dnt think so. I think its becoz my EI is not at satisfying level. Well, maybe i'm gud in my study but i'm quite suck in dealing with my own feeling. At this age, i still don't know what i really want to be n wat i want in my life. Sumtimes eventough i had gud marks i felt like nothing. There's no motivation in my life. Its like i'm juz doing wat i should do, juz like a robot, heartless. huhu... So, can anyone help me? Anybody, sumbody?

P/S:Enjoy reading this..:)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

What would u do
if people juz don't see u?

What would u do
if people wouldn't hear u?

What would u do
when others don't accept u?

What would u do
when hell no one cares about u?

What would u do
when u r being left out.....?

What would u do
if u r alone
all alone....

What would u do....???

God is always in the side of those who has patience in them.
Don't ever give up on ALLAH...


Slps kematian noni, our lil cute ank kambing(die skt mulut, kene suapkan susu botol sbb die xley mkn sndri). Sdey gak r coz die comel n nkl, ske maen2 ngan die... Mase awl2 dlu sht jer, lompat sane sini, geram tgk. tp 3 hari lepas die da mati.. Cian die...huhu...xsempat nk bwk jumpe veterinar..sori cyg..huhu..

Kemarin, abahku bwk blk 4bijik telur puyuh yg die jumpe mase bwk kambing2 g mkn. Lalu die ltkla lam incubator pemberian pak cik din(adik agkt abah aku). Xsampai sehari telur2 tu tetas, kuarla ank2 puyuh 4 ekor(alhamdulillah)=)...comel je...kecik je, besar ibu jari aku..hi3...

Tgk ank2 puyuh ni, rase hepinyer ade pet baru kt umah cian lak kt diorg xde parent. As u know, ank2 brg or ayam or pape jela even ank manusia pn xpandai mkn sndri mase baby. So,they need their parents. N semlm abah wat keputusan nk beli sepsg puyuh utk jd ibu bapa agkt ank2 puyuh tu.

Abah ltk diorg sume lam sangkar yg comel n berlapikkan srt khabar.. Hope the family lives happily in their own house..hihi..Nk tgk? Ni gambanye...

Cute kan? hi3...
k daa....

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

~dedicated to my ex-best fren n anyone who involved in the story...

I dnt know where to start~huhu~
Last nyte i cried so hard that i couldn't sleep.
So sorry my fren..I now realize how much u hate me n dun want to have anything with me anymore. My past mistakes had taken its toll on me.

I'm not gud in expressing my feeling. So, i think it's ok if i juz write what had happen at 'that time'. It will not bring u back to me though but at least it will put me at ease.

Now, 'listen' to me carefuly...
That day, i was out with 'u know who' when i told 'u know who' about what happen the nite b4,but i admit that it was my fault for not telling him the whole story, i juz tell him how do i feel when u said that words that nite. coz for me its not important for him to know all the story but maybe i was wrong. i'm soooorry...

Honestly, i didn't tell 'u know who' to be mad n yell at u. I also didn't talk bad about u in front of him. i was just telling how sad i feel when u said that words. It was nvr my intention to make u two quarrel like that. I was sad bcoz of that words u said to me, so sad... It made me cried hard that nite.

Perhaps u know that i'm a sensitive person, but still u said that words that nite. I felt like crying n that's y i left the room immediately n said that i had headache. It was a sensitive thng to me, u must know that. 'u know who' is very important to me. He's my closest fren and he's my rival. For me, who has a big family and a youngest sis, i couldn't say much to my family. What i feel n what i want, my hepines, my sadness my dreams, my academic are not what i should be talking to my family. They don't give a damn for it. I juz have to deal it on my own.

N dats y i need him. He always helps me, criticizes me, encourages me, trust me and listen to me. BUt u girls, 'my GENG' as it was called always abandons me, push me aside, and even set a plan to destroy my life. He's my guardian angel, and i definitely can depend on him. I want to lean on u girls but how can i trust sumone who always talk behind my back n sumone who can't even share things with me? hu3

I'm not blaming u, it was not ur fault. Maybe u were mad bcoz of what i said earlier that nite. N i was so sorry for that. N that nite ended up with u saying that words to me.

I could'nt hold back my feeling back then, n i told him about what u said that nite. He was so mad. But trust me, i was only trying to meluahkan perasaan je to him. Bkn nk suh die mrh2 u ke pe ke.

I dun even know when did 'u know who' send that 'luvly' sms to u. I'm so sorry. I tried hard to not let him send that sms. I agree that he could be mean when he's very mad. But after that case, he regretted doing that n he was sorry for that. so, pliz...forgive him. It wasn't his fault, he so angry back then.

I've nvr imagined that i could be that way. N it was all started with me telling him my feeling. I really regret it. I didn't regret for choosing 'u know who' , but i regret for not choosing the both of u at that time. Both of u mean a lot to me. If only i knew this would happen then i wouldn't tell him instead. But we knew already that time couldn't turn back although i cried my blood out.

So, that's how it was. That's my story, i may sound different from urs. But plz understand me. I'm sorry that when u came into my room after that i didn't say much.
It was not bcoz i dun want to but i couldn't. My touge was twisted n my blood was racing so fast that i could hear my own heartbeat. Forgive me that i was so bad at expressing my feeling once again. I should have told u all this.

I tried to tell u by a letter full of what i want u to know. But i was so afraid that time. I know that u wouldn't like that type of thng. But, it was the only thing i could do, n still i couldn't give it to u..huhuhu...

Now, i juz got to know that u r quite phobia to be frens with me. N i can see that in all ur actions these few weeks. So sorry to make u feel that way. I hope u will not be afraid to make frens with anyone after this juz bcoz what had happened btwn u n me.

Lastly, i wanna say i'm so sorry 4 evrythng n gudbye my fren...lets juz be this way...neither frens nor foes...
Thanks 4 being my best fren b4 n for what i've done, i will not bother u anymore n i won't appear in front of u anymore...
But one thng for sure i will always remember u as one of my bestest frens ever..

p/s:sori kalu entry ni menyinggung hati sesiapa..lgsg tdk berniat begitu. nway, time kaseh sbb bace..:)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Today i spent some time browsing my frens' blogs. Chantek2 n best2 blake... They all started blogging much more earlier than me. Mereka sume hebat2 blake. Aku kagum ade kwn2 mcm mereka...Percayalah, u guys r awesome..:) U r da best, my frens!!!

....then, i started to realize dat there's too much in this huge world that i dnt know n don't understand...huhu...Quite frustrating...:(...

...but, i'll nvr gv up.. nvr will i...:)...
I remember, since i was young i was being brought up so carefully by my parents n sisters. Since a child i always did what they wanted me to do.. n i was living in my own world until dat time came few years back..

Honestly, i envy my frens coz they always got sumthing to say about anythng, anythng...but me?? Me?? I nvr really know anything...seriously and truthfully, i know nothng... Compared to them i was juz like a 7-year-old kid..

....All my life, i only knew to ask my ummi, abah n my sisters about anything. For me, their opinions are so imprtant.. More important is to follow what they say coz i can't live if i did'nt obey any of it... Why? I dnt know...I juz live that way..

My abah told me, i was very smart and talented when i was a child. (ReallY?) He told me i when i first learn how to write n spell, i can write evrythng that he read. Then, he also told me that i was very good at memorising. (No wonder he once asked me to join the hafizah class in school back then.) But now, i think i'm losing it bits by bits..huhu...

After that, when the SPM result juz got released few years b4, abah said sumthng that really made me to tears. When i know my result,abah was the first to know bout it. When i told him my result, he congratulates me and then he says,
"Abah is very proud of u. Now, follow ur dreams n go wherever u want to study. Abah will always support u." Suddenly, i burst into tears. He's my hero, my man, my fren, my teacher, my evrythng...I luv him..

Now, i'm on my own.. Coz i have my own dreams n missions. I live my life in my own way.. But i'll nvr forget my family..They mean evrythng to me. There's no me without them..

So, what exactly i want to say then?...
Hmmm... actually, i envy my frens a lot..dats all..huhu..
From now on, i promise to myself to find my true self and gain more knowledge in my life.. I hope The Almighty will always by my side..N my family too...:)

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Penah x jumpe org yg ske sgt pinjam/gne brg org lain?
Aku penah...huhu..terase gakla bengang tu kdg2..
bknnye die xde brg tu tp saje sygkan brg die + kalu pinjam kan free jek..
so, pinjam lg baek kn? Kn?

DGn suka hatinye die meminjam tp in the end die hanta sumthing yg dh rosak or xhanta lgsg or lg trok hilangkan brg yg dpinjam...
Wah..byk cntik die... dhla pinjam xjg brg org.. elokla tu..

xelok tau wat gtu..tau x betape marahnye tuan pnye brg tu kalu anda wat gtu kat die..
silap2 die sumpah2 anda, free2 je leh dosa..kan dh susah..:)

Dgn ini, di sini sy ingn pesan kt sume, kalu pnjam brg org tu ingat2la utk jg dgn baek n hanta kpd tuannye dlm keaadaan yg msh elok. Kalu terrosakkan tu have enuf sensela utk ganti blk ye...:)


Thursday, June 11, 2009


It's been a long time since my last post.
Xsmpt bukak tenet coz i have to be a nanny 4 a week 4 my 3-year-old n 1-year-old nieces. Dhla bdk dua org tu nakal+buas(dlm 10org ank sedara aku diorg plg nakal:P)..ha3.. penin gak jg diorg...:)Tp ble dh bese okla:)

Yg bestnye ble jg diorg ni ialah ble diorg tdo dlm dakapan/rba/dukung aku...
Rase terharu...No wonder ibu2 syg bgt kt ank mereka..:)Cute je diorg tdo...hi3
Satu lg ble diorg dh ingat name aku n makin rapat ngan aku...Aku jrg jumpe diorg coz slalunye time aku kt umah xsame ngan time diorg blk kg. tp kali ni aku dtugaskan jg ank2 kak aku tu utk semggu. Best ble diorg pggl aku 'cik ma' byk2 kali. ha3:D

Tp yg plg best mesti r si nuha ilhami yg ske wat cik ma die gelak tu.. Die mmg my fav niece..muah2 nuha.. Ble aku ckp pape kt die die mesti ckp 'ha? ha?' ngan mulutnye yg ternganga seolah2 blur pdhal die paham sgt pe aku gtau die..hi3
tp xkisahla coz die comel bgt ble wat gtu..rase nk cubit2 je..hehe

Mggu lepas aku n kakak aku yg sorg lg siap kene tdo luar lg, sebelah diorg coz tkt diorg jg tgh mlm mintak susu. trpakse r wat kuar tilam n tdo kt luar.. semggu r xtdo kt katil lam blikku..huhu..

Dh ckp semggu, tibelah hari cutiku..haha...
6/6/09..tarikh majlis along,membe sekelasku..dh kawinla die(jeles aku:P)..
Tahniah along..Semoga Bhgia slalu:)...
Aku n membe baikku sepkt ke sana bersame dgn 'abe'nye yg akan jd driver.hehe..
Dan pg itu aku bertolak awal pg lg ke umah memberku itu.

Dh smpai sane, msk umah tgk along.. Wahhh...cntiknye along..:)
Mkn2 dlu, then sesi bergambar..then tibe mase utk jln2..:)
Kami pergi ke masjid kristal mule2 tu. Hepi gakla coz tu 1st time aku smpai ctu.

Then ikut memberku g pasar payang yg femes kat ganu tu..:)
Dpt beg sebiik..haha..:P kaler maroon lak tu..huhu
Hepinye..:)pastu, perjlnan pulang pn bemula. Otw tu aku smpat beli keropok losong utk org2 kt umah. Diorg suke mkn keropok, so tiap kali g ganu mesti bwk blk keropok kt diorg.:)

Mlm tu agak lewat smpai umah, bbq dh abis(ade bbq family aku pd hr yg same)..huhu...xsempat cik ma nk bakar ayam..
mkn jela seketul due. tp xpelah, i had a gud day..
ank2 sedareku sume ade mlm tu.. Aku lyn diorg smpai tertdo..
What a tiring and nice day i had..
Although penat tp its a great experience 4 me..
Br aku rase jd ibu tu penat + bru aku sedar ziarah n jln2 adlh care yg bgus utk enjoy n rptkan silaturrahim..

Hope we all have a gud day everyday..:)
Be Happy!!=)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Super Junior - Neorago (It's You)

It’s you
It’s you
It’s you
It’s only you
It’s you
It’s you

I don’t need anyone else, it’s only you
When you ask again, it’s only you
Even if you already have another love
I can’t forget you, I can’t turn back around
The moment my eyes began to burn
The moment my heart was captured by you
I have no regret, I chose you
That’s right, it’s you

Whatever anyone anyone says, it doesn’t matter to me
Whoever whoever curses me, I’ll only look at you
Even when I’m born again, it’s still only you
(Tic Toc) Even as time goes by

When you tell me you love me
When you tell me thousands and millions of times
Even when my heart sets on fire, my dry lips wear out
Even when I’m born again, it’s still only you
(Tic Toc) Even as time goes by

Oh oh only for you Oh oh only for you
Oh oh only for you Oh oh only for you
Oh oh only for you Oh oh only for you
Oh oh only for you

It’s you
I don’t need any words. it’s just you
'It’s too late ', but for me it’s just you
I know our love is wrong
I can’t give up, I can’t let you go..Ah Ah..

My lips, cold as can be, are even more blue
I cry out to find to find your warmth
I call, even though I call for you
And there’s no reply, I’ll wait for you

Whatever anyone anyone says, it doesn’t matter to me
Whoever whoever curses me, I’ll only look at you
Even when I’m born again, it’s still only you
(Tic Toc) Even as time goes by

When you tell me you love me
When you tell me thousands and millions of times
Even when my heart sets on fire, my dry lips wear out
Even when I’m born again, it’s still only you
(Tic Toc) Even as time goes by

Oh oh only for you Oh oh only for you
Oh oh only for you Oh oh only for you
Oh oh only for you Oh oh only for you
Oh oh only for you
For me, it’s you, it’s you
Why don’t you know, why don’t you know?
For me, it’s you, it’s you

Whatever anyone anyone says, it doesn’t matter to me
Whoever whoever curses me, I’ll only look at you
Even when I’m born again, it’s still only you
(Tic Toc) Even as time goes by

When you tell me you love me
When you tell me thousands and millions of times
Even when my heart sets on fire, my dry lips wear out
Even when I’m born again, it’s still only you
(Tic Toc) Even as time goes by

It’s you..


Manusia mmg pelupa...kte tahu bende tu xelok tp kdg2 for da sake of air muke kte, kte kdg2 say kte wat sumthing2 walhal yg sebenarnye kte xpenah wat @ xwat pn.
Nape ek? Maybe nk menunjuk kot...hu3...ataupun xnk org pk kte ni trok or papelah..
Papepn sume sbb tu xpenting, tp yg pnting Allah xske manusia camni...

Lam Quran ade sebut:
"O you who believe! Why do you say that which you do not do?
Most hatefulit is with Allah that you say that which you do not do."
~Surah As-Saff:2-3~

Tp nowadays mmg slalu jd kes gni,ye x? Aku pn kdg2 xterkecuali.. Cane yek nk atasi?
Ade suggestion? Kalu de silala gtau ye...:) huhu:)

Lg satu, mak ayh slalu suh ank2 wat sumthng2 kan?
Kdg2 most of the things yg diorg suh tu diorg xwat pn...(btul ke?)
haha... Honestly,i hate it...ha3
bkn pe, kalu diorg pe yg diorg ckp, aku xpenah hesitate nk ikut tp...
Tp kalu diorg pn xbrape aku pn liat sket...kah3
Jaat kan? ha3... ~Mian~:(
Nway, i hope evrybody can be true to themselves.. Me too...;)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Ntah pape tah...saje je nk post gak walopn xde idea.
Skrg ni ngah dlm proses membuang yg keruh,
iaitu sifat2 n tabiat pelik n xcomey dlm driku...
Dan slps itu ingn touch up ngan yg lbh baik..
Amacam? Seems to be a lot of work..:)
Gotta be strong..

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hmm..kesedihan & kekecewaan melanda dri 2, 3 hr ni..
Kecewa ble ape yg dingini xmenjadi...sedey ble yg disygi xmenghargai..
Aku adalah driku... Aku bleh brdri d ats kakiku sndri..
Aku xperlukan sesiapa utk mendorongku...sggh kukatakn..
Aku adalah driku... akulah pendorong driku..
Aku xperlukan sesiapa pn memihakku..
Aku adalah driku..Ku tahu silapku..
Aku xperlukan sesiapa membesar2kan silap2 ku..
Aku adalah driku... sume yg kurase dsmpan...
jauh d lubuk hatiku...
sggh...aku xperlukan kamu...
Aku hdp utk driku dan bkn utkmu...
Aku bkn selemah yg dsgka...
Aku bkn lemah..
Aku cuma mempunyai citaku sndri...
Aku jua punya caraku tersndri...
Aku jgn duji.. kerna driku ckp rapuh ble berdepan drimu..
walau ape yg terjadi..
percayalah kamu ttp d hatiku...

Monday, May 18, 2009

Ha3...dh sebulan dok umah aku cam dah leh amik alih keje abah aku jd penternak kambing..kah3.. Wow! Tiap2 ari tgk gelagat kambing2 yg sht2 ni...kdg kelakar, kdg gerams(sbb asyik rempuh pagar ayh aku:p)... pg2 abah mesti bwk diorg sume g pdg rumput(so dat diorg leh mkn..hihi), dkt2 kul 11 gtu r... Ble tgk diorg pg2 sume kurus2 wei...ha3... sume rumput yg dmkn pd hr seblm tu dh didigest kot..hehe...jd ape aku xnk ckp tp yg pntg sume 'bende tu' abah aku wat baja tanaman yg ade kt sekeliling umah ni...:)...

Pg td, aku tergelak besar ble tgk 4 ekor kambing jantan tgh kejar seekor kambing betina ni time jemur bju2.. Kesian kambing betina tu, lari g sane sini tp still kene ikut gak.. ha3.. Tp nsb baekla yg jantan dominan abah aku xlepaskan lg kalu x...xtau r pe jd... Lam ht aku pk maybe kambing betina tu tgh 'hot' kot skrg.. Yg 4 ekor jantan tu nk pikat diela kot..ha3..

Ank2 buah aku dh byk kali dh ckp aku ni dh jd pengembala kambing sejak dok umah ni..kah3..

Yeke?? Ye kot... tiap2 ptg kene heret diorg msk kndg...kene kire bia ckp 20 ekor...kalu xckp cr diorg ktne n then bwk msk kandg...Best woo...haha...

Aku pengembala? Aku xkisah pn kalu kene jd pengembala... xslh kan jd pengembala kmbg yg berjaya? Nabi Muhammad SAW pn pengembala gak..:)

Yg pntg aku hepi n puas bleh tlg ayah aku.. At least ptg2 die leh r relax n wat keje laen..:)

Lgpn...kmbg2 tu sume comel2, aku syg bgt kt diorg...:)

Semoga diorg sume sht2 cergas slalu(sng sket aku nk jg)..hehe..

Thursday, May 14, 2009

dh lame xpost blog.. sebok jg niece n nephews...babysitterla katakan...
Susah nk bukak komp..karng adela yg dok tggu nk maen game..haha..
I luv them so much...hi3..
These few days i enjoyed downloading lots n lots of mp3s and mvs.
I luv music...can't live without music..:)
kpd peminat super junior n 2pm..plz check out for their new songs, it's u n again n again...
Best it's u ttp xleh lwn sorry sorry... but anyway i still luv dat song coz it has gud
lyrics n of cozla sbb super junior yg nyanyi...hahaha...
k...dh ngantuk..mau brg..tata..wslm:)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Hari ni aku akn menulis dlm bhs melayu sbg pghormatan terakhir wat cikgu zainun, cikgu bm aku mase tgkatan 5. Hr ini beliau tlh kembai ke rahmatullah pd kire pkul 6 ptg td. Berita pemergian arwah amat mengejutkan kerana aku agak rapat dgnnye ketika d maahad muhammadi dlu. Sbb kematian tidak kujelas mengenainye..Arwah mmg seorg yg baik & penyanyang, xlupe juga bertanggungjwb. Aku selaku pelajar yg selalu berkunjung ke blik ko-kurikulum zmn2 skolah dlu amt bertrime kasih ats jasa & titik peluh arwah mngajar kami serta menyokong kami. Terima Kasih Cikgu..Moga roh arwah dicucuri rahmat slalu..Amin........AL-FATIHAH.........

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I've lots of regrets in my life... but the biggest regret ever is to lose my best frens.
Many reasons led to me losing them..huhu..lets not talk about that...:)
but still it is my biggest regret..T.T
Some of them might get hurt bcoz of me,some others made me hurt so much that i got somewhat phobia even when hearing their voices and footsteps..ha3..(i'm not joking my dear..)
Yes, it was both my mistakes n theirs but even after apologizing to each other we seem to be more far apart and we felt awkward when meeting. I guess dats how it is...
there's a saying dat, " if apologizing is effective then what r police for?"
I think its quite true in its own way..:)
Dats my regret...
Why? WHY? why r we like dis. Should it be like dis? I dun know..:(
Sumtimes i burst out in tears when thinking bout dis..Why...Why...
I kept thinking why...
Why can't we be like b4???
I miz all of so much...
Plz come back... I always pray to God dat we'll be like b4...:)
So sorry my frens... U r my sunshine..:) luv u all..:)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Who am i?
Me too do not know who am i..
Gotta befren with some more people in order to know me more..
Be a fren of great people makes u a great person also..
But i think i dun have many frens..
a few but not enuf i think..
got to have lots lots more..
but i'm quite shy in making frens..
but i guess i should make use of dis phrase..
"when starting sumthng, u must be nervous but at da same time u must be excited to do it also.." :) quite agree with it..:)
ha...last week, my best fren said dat i'm "skema" and a little perfectionist..really?
i think so..huhu..
tp maybe dipengaruhi oleh cara aku dibesarkan n membesar..
I was always controlled by my parents n sblings in watever i do..
I can't afford to make any mistakes coz they'll be hell angry with me..
dats y when i do sumthing i always put my best effort into it..
so dat they will not dissapointed in me..
sumhow i'm used to it..
sory fren..i really make it hard 4 u...
but dats me...
i can't escape from doing that i guess..
i'll try but bear with me yek..:)
watever it is..i am still me...
pliz help me to know me better..
n do correct me where i'm wrong..
i'm not perfect:)
but from now....Hmm..juz call me AS...:)

p/s: sori my post gne both english n bm..sape2 xphm do tell me:)
hope u have a gud day!!!
thanx for reading..;)


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