Saturday, October 30, 2010
Tahniah Kelantan FA...
31/10/2010-cuti peristiwa di kelantan...:)
tp aku...ado exam pulop esok...huhu...boikot exam!!!:P
Labels: Bintang kate..., My fav, my story, saje2
Frustration bleh berlaku slalunye ble kte
xdpt ape yg kte nk,
xdpt ape yg diimpikan...
kdg2 jg aku leh frust ngn tingkah laku membe2
tp xleh nk kate pape...
berdiam dri dan saba itu lg baik...
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Di sini, ye, di sini....
aku nk mengaku yg mulut aku ni
sebenarnye ckp lepas je, ikut perasaan...
seringkali org terase ngn aku
sbb mulut aku yg satu ni....
mulut aku ni ade time jgk die nk wat hal,
wat celupar...
slalunye time otak xbtul n emosi xterkawal...
tp kalu time baik ok je...
xdek plak die ngade2
napela mulut oi....
rase berslh gak kat kwn2...
ble mulut ni wat hal...
maaf yer kwn2....
maafkan kelemahanku ini...
tp peribahasa ade mengatakan;
"terlajak perahu bleh berundur,
terlajak kata padahla jwbnye"
mungkin, mungkin skali aku susah nk rapat ngn org
sbb mulut aku ni...huhu
hrp2 pasni aku lehh jg mulut aku ni ngn lebih baik...
xmola wat skt hati org lg...;)
Labels: my story
Saturday, October 23, 2010
aku pk aku ni malng orngnye...
sbbnye sume aku nk xkan dpt...
ape aku nk capai xdpt....
kdg2 tu yg aku nk sgt tula xkan dpt...
yg aku perlu sgt2 tula aku gagal
n yg lg penting
kalu aku g mane2
seolah2 malang mengekoriku...
kalu g picnic mesti ujan...
g mkn mesti order aku lambt smpai
g jln2 sandal tercabut or rosak...
sdey tol....
sejak dh besar ni
aku cube paham
yg Tuhan itu Maha Mengetahui, Maha Adil....
die lebih tau ape yg lebih aku perlu
ape yg aku patut dpt...
aku mula terima yg setiap yg berlaku ade hikmah yg amat besar d sebaliknya
dan sume yg berlaku adalah supaya aku lebih mengingati Yg MAha Esa...
supaya aku lebih menyayangiNya
lebih dekat kpdNya....
Sekarang aku fikir
aku dlu sungguhla malang
kerana xsedar yg Allah syg aku sebenarnye...
sbb Die slalu uji aku ngn bende2 gtu..
tp aku ni yg xseda yg Die syg aku...
Malang sungguh najma yg dlu...
kesian Die aku xterbalas sygnye tu...
Pasni aku akan cube sedaye upaya menyayangiMu Ya Allah...
Tolonglah aku utk melakukan yg terbaik
dlm perjalanan mencari cinta & redhaMu Ya Allah....
Aminnn.... (^^,)
Labels: my story
Friday, October 22, 2010
Alhamdulillah...selesai sudah proposal presentation pd hr rabu aritu...
Lega... thanks pd shbt2 yg byk membantu especially abgku tusky...
walaupun dh stat lab utk fyp tp ble dh present ni br rase keseriusan bende ni...
Full attention n passion is needed...
I hope I can do my best for my FYP...:)
satu lab report, satu esaimen, satu debate dan satu proposal presentation sudah selesai...
lg dua jenis report menanti...
Alhamdulillah setakat ni sumenye lancar walaupun terdpt beberape mslh kecil...
Namun aku lega kebykan tanggungjwb sudah terlaksana...
Hasrat hendak pulang ke kg sebelum final exam...
mohon dipermudah oleh Tuhan yg Esa...
kpd Abgku Tusky,
Terima kasih sgt2 ats pertolongan anda...
Sy terharu sgt...thanks sgt2
pasni sy blanje makan lg k...;)
Sy tau die letih, xsempat nk rehat mggu ni...
Kesian die...hrp2 die kuat menjalaninya...
Sy hanye mampu tlg die dr jauh...
Sy xpunye kemampuan nk tlg die ngn sume tu...
bukan setakat menyelam, nk berenang pon sy xreti...
Abg Tusky jgn risau tau...
sy sokong kamu...slalu...:)
Jg kesihatan kamu...:)
Walaupun kamu bru je pegi pg td,
tp sy dh rndu sgt2 kat kamu...
Kamu jg dri ye d sane... sy tggu kamu pulang dgn selamat:)
Labels: my story
Saturday, October 9, 2010
You’re so dazzling
My heart is thumping
You’re the only one for me and always be number 1
that I love you
Come little bit closer to me
I want to tightly hold your hands
This song is only for you
I love you forever
I need your love, love, love~
I promise you for only looking at your eyes
Stand by your side for protecting and loving you with all my heart
Baby, I need your love, love, love~
Just one love from you is enough for me
Even if I must lose everything
I will never let you go
You are my everything, my love~
I only see you
I keep thinking about you
That never fails to make me smile
You’re my everything, my heart~
You’ve captured me
You’re even more gorgeous than angel, I will only love you
[rap]I was secretly laughing at myself
I can’t believe how deep I’ve falling for you
You got into my mind with that charm my boo.
Now I’m like a fool that has fallen in love
My everything now, it’s you
I’ve falling love with you
Look at me and I promise you
That I’ll never let you go
Even if the world ends, I’ll love you like a timeless clock that never ends.
I need your love, love, love~
I promise you for only looking at your eyes
Stand by your side, protecting and loving you with all my heart
Baby, I need your love, love, love~
Just one love from you is enough for me
Even if I must lose everything
I will never let you go
You’re my everything, my love~
I only see you
I keep thinking about you
That never fails to make me smile
You’re my everything, my heart~
You’ve captured me
You’re even more gorgeous than angel, I’ll only love you.
[rap]When you’re sad, I’ll keep you by my side
Sometimes there will be a difficult time, if it’s too hard for you
remember that I love you forever
I’m always here for protecting you

Labels: My fav
Dia dan hanya dia....
akanku bersamanya selamanya..
terima kasih kerana sudi menemaniku
ketika diriku dilanda sakit
ketika daku xdaya
ketika aku keseorangan....
trima kasih yg teramat....
Dia dan hanya dia...
aku beruntung mempunyai dia...
dia amat berharga bg diriku...
kehadirannya memberi aku semgt
kehadiannya bawa cahaya dlm driku..
xingin aku kehilangannya...
terima kasih Ya Allah..
keranaMu kami dpertemukan..
Tuhan tolonglah...
kupohon tetapkan hati kami d jalanMU...
Dapatkan Mesej Bergambar di Sini
Labels: my story
Monday, October 4, 2010
I thought with so many people surrounding me,
I will not be alone....
but sumhow.....with these people all over me...
I still am sadening....
Humans are sooo selfish....
Gotta be strong...
Labels: saje2
Friday, October 1, 2010
besar gak katak tu...katak pisang jer...species pe aku xtau...aku berbisik lam hati ni...
"Fuyyo!! Besanye katak nih...kalu time keje kat zoo ni aku dh tgkap dh bg kat reptile wat letak kat exhibition tuh..."
haha...klaka...pastu aku pon teringatla zaman2 berada kat zoo 3bln lepas....
alhamdulillah sempat gak kami g 'frogging' mase tu...:)
although tiap2 hr letih keje tp best sbb byk pengalaman sy dpt dr ctu...
teringat time kami susah senang same3...busuk same3... nangis same3...
makan same3.... gossiping same2.... n mcm2la same3.....'
n since then jg i learnt how to appreciate animals more...:)
animals are becoming one of my fav now:)
how i miss the animals there....huhu....sume sy rndu....
nk g zoo lg bleh? sape nk bg tiket free yek???
